We do house calls.

New mobile clinic in Northwest Arkansas for addiction services.

Why mobile?

Our specialty has always been eliminating barriers to care. Telemedicine has proven to be an essential tool in the fight against addiction. In Arkansas the doctor and patient must have an in-person visit before carrying on with telemedicine. So we come to you.

Addiction care. Anywhere.

Located in Northwest Arkansas, but willing to travel. Olive Branch Recovery now offers mobile clinic services for patients suffering from substance use disorder. We are all about decreasing barriers to care.

Your first step.

Our state-of-the-art Airstream serves as your first step of your recovery journey. You will meet with a qualified health professional, in-person, receive a comprehensive evaluation, and recommendations for next steps.

Telemedicine visits.

After your first in-person evaluation, visits can be carried on through telemedicine. All you need is a smart phone. You will be sent a link prior to your appointment, and you simply click on the link to start the visit with your provider.

Send us your information now to set up your first appointment.